Jr. Data Science Portfolio


Project 1: Credit Card Fraud Detection

_figure 2: Amounts_

_figure 3: Confusion Matrix_

_figure 4: ROC_

Project 2: Credit Card Fraud Detection

_confusion matrix_

Project 3: EDA and Clustering

The following document shows the data of a (seemingly) office supply company. An EDA was made in order to analyse the features of the dataset by using visualizations such as: histograms, time series, bar charts and tables. The modelling part includes a clustering model, using the “Elbow Method” and decomposing the components with the PCA functions.



Project 1: ADALINE - Algorithm

_figure 1: Adaline algorithm results_

_figure 2: Audio graphics (original audio, audio with noise, audio filtered)_

_figure 4: Results of the linear regression from the voltage difference circuit_

_figure 5: filter of a LM35 sensor made by Adaline_

Project 2: Kalman - Algorithm

Linear Regression

Nonlinear Regression


Project 3: Hopfield - Algorithm

Hopfield results

Project 4: Multilayer Perceptron - Algorithm

_figure 1: Mean Squared Error and XOR gate graphics_

_figure 3: The results showing the original function and the results from the MLP training_

_figure 4: Nonlinear Regression for a Proximity Sensor Data_

_figure 5: Color classifier generalization_

SQL Server Queries